Scarborough, 901131 | Trinidad and Tobago | West Indies #10 - 14 Galla Trace (Galla Street) | Buccoo
+1 868 307 3425

Health & Lifestyle

Health & Lifestyle

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

Health & Lifestyle

1 Day Healthy Living & Equine Retreat (we also offer individual packages):
For groups of 6 – 10 participants


07:30 am – 08:55 am

Breakfasting with Happiness: A breakfast to remember. Experience the delicious taste of our fresh and exotic fruits from our magical garden and local farmers.

09:00 am – 11:00 am

Cooking with Style: Learn about the local herbs and vegetables and their amazing impact on your well-being. As well as how you can implement the all-natural-gardening movement, harvesting, and cooking at home.

11:10 am – 12:00 pm

Brunching with Joy: Amaze your palates with your freshly cooked local vegetarian/vegan cuisine and refreshing beverages.

12:00 pm – 02:30 pm

Relaxing with Nature: For fun, adventure or relaxation. Take a time-out on the property either by experiencing our magical park or relaxing in one of our hammocks, book a massage, go to the beach or experience the breathtaking nature with one of the local excursions* in Buccoo.

02:30 pm – 05:30 pm

Being with Horses – Experience the magical spirit of our horses. Learn how to lead and groom these majestic animals or take a swim with them in the Caribbean Sea. The group will be split in two and take turns.

05:30 pm Farewell

Price:  300 US$ =  2,100.00 TT$** per person


Book Your Retreat Here

You would like a customized retreat package? We are happy to accommodate your wishes! Simply click HERE and email us.

*Excursions: Please note that this is just a suggestion of local excursions. The Healing with Horses Foundation is in no way affiliated with the tour guides. The tours need to be booked separately from the HWH retreat.

**Price: A percentage of the profit goes to the Healing With Horses Foundation — Free Rehabilitation of differently-abled horses and humans — a Harmonious Wave of Healing for All.

***Registration: Attendees must preregister.